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Our Bucks--All breeding bucks have DNA on file
Valley's-Edge BRC Roulette
DNA On File
Sire: Brook Run Acres Casanova
Sire's Sire: Cedar View Romeo *B
Sire's Dam: Brook Run Acres Mega Gold
Dam: SGCH Tiny Angels Maybeline VVVE @ 04-03
Dam's Sire: Tiny Angels Levi Blues +B
Dam's Dam: Wild Lupine Farm TA's Chicklet

Sire: Valley's-Edge S MacGyver DNA ON FILE
Sire's sire: Valley's-Edge SuperMan Dna ON file
Sire's dam: SGCH Tiny Angels Maybeline
DNA on file LA VVVE 90 @ 04-03
DAM: Valley's-Edge FF Brianna DNA on file
LA EEVV 90 (was stale at LA stop).
Dam's Sire: Ole'Humble Acres Fox Fire
DNA on file. LA VEV 87
Dam's dam: CH Tiny Angles RNB Sassaneq
DNA on file LA VEEV 89 @ 02-09
Valley's-Edge MurDoc (DNA on file). Blue eyed black heavily Moon Spotted.

Sire: Valley's-Edge D Kedar Burn
DNA on file
Sire's Sire: Udderly TopNotch PR Dannon
DNA on file EEV90
Sire's Dam: CH Tiny Angels RNB
SASSANEQ DNA on file. LAVEEV@02-09
Dam: Valley's-Edge Maleficent
DNA on File
Dam's Sire: Tiny Angels VED Killian
Dam's Dam: SGCH Tiny Angels
Maybeline DNA on file. LA VVVE @ 04-03
Valley's-Edge Elvis (DNA on file). Solid Black (zero white) blue eyed Valley's-Edge Buckling.
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